Botok Landing. A jumper bends his/her leg during landing This is to increase the reaction time and hence reduce the impact of impulsive force acting on the leg of the jumper Safety Features in Vehicles Crumble Zone The crumple zone increases the reaction time of collision during an accident This causes the impulsive force to be reduced and hence reduces the risk of injuries Seat Belt.
Vehicle carrying six officers of Budo Mountain National Park Protection Unit same day drove over roadside bomb in Marue Botok subdistrict no serious injuries reported Bomb 11 Dec exploded in Rueso district close to two monks and two rangers Bomb 14 Dec exploded on road in Sungai Padi district damaging sixvehicle convoy carrying rangers with no casualties reported In.
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A honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade all native to EurasiaThey are known for their construction of perennial colonial nests from wax the large size of their colonies and surplus production and storage of honey distinguishing their hives as a prized foraging target of many animals including honey badgers bears and.
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