Gin No Saji Myanimelist. Gin no Saji is an anime adaptation of Hiromu Arakawa’s manga of the same name that has sold over 12 million copies in Japan alone and was honored with a nomination for the 19th annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize The series aired in 2013 on the famous Fuji Television noitaminA block which has aired several prominent anime including Anohana Nodame.

Aki Mikage Gin No Saji Pictures Myanimelist Net gin no saji myanimelist
Aki Mikage Gin No Saji Pictures Myanimelist Net from

Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars) is an anime about battles of cooking as the title suggests The anime adaption of the popular manga of the same name has received the same kind of reception as its manga version did in terms of popularity as well as critique But is it any good or is it just another one of those popular but dull anime that I will discuss in this review.

Gin no Saji (Silver Spoon)


Aki Mikage Gin No Saji Pictures Myanimelist Net

no Soma (Food Wars! Shokugeki Shokugeki no Souma
