Human Dominoes. Subscribe for more || http//bitly/GWRSubscribe Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http//bitly/GWRFavsThe world record for the Largest human mattress domi Video Duration 5 minViews 3307KAuthor Guinness World Records.
850 people in New Orleans were knocked back onto mattresses in human dominoes to break the world record for the number of people taking partGet the latest h Video Duration 53 secViews 53MAuthor The Telegraph.
Human Dominoes Kent Explorer Scouts
Subscribe to never miss a video! || https//gwrco/YTSubCheck out the GWR favourites! || http//gwrco/YTFavsAaron’s Inc an appliance and electronics com Video Duration 2 minViews 1036MAuthor Guinness World Records.
Incredible Human Mattress Dominoes in 4k Guinness World
Human Dominoes is a game for the whole unit to show that everyone has something in common with the others in the unit Equipment None Time 10 30 mins Instructions Gather all the explorers together and set them the challenge that they have to form a line of dominos linked by what they have in common.
Gwr2022 Out Now On Twitter Watch 2 016 People Topple Human Mattress Dominoes Record In China Https T Co G8jqu9d7x0
Largest human mattress dominoes Guinness World Records
Human mattress dominoes attempt breaks world record YouTube
Human Dominoes: One Of The Weirdest Guinness Records To Exist
The current record for the Largest Human Mattress Dominoes now rests at 2016 in the hands of Stylution Int’l Stylution’s placement of the mattresses was much closer than how the American’s placed theirs which resulted in each person getting slapped in the face with a singlebed mattress with the utmost momentum Photo by Guinness World Records.