Mega Lucario Smogon. Set Details Maximum Attack and Speed investment allows MegaLucario to hit as hard and as fast as possible A Jolly nature is chosen to make full use of MegaLucario's good base 112 Speed letting MegaLucario outspeed most of the tier Justified is MegaLucario's most useful ability before Mega Evolving possibly allowing it to gain an Attack.
Lucario faces very stiff competition from Cobalion as a Swords Dance user in RU due to its greater bulk and speed but is able to carve out a niche thanks to its greater immediate power and priority Extreme Speed is able to hammer common faster Pokemon such as Raikou and Noivern for heavy damage after a Swords Dance boost while also picking off weakened offensive Pokemon in general before.
Lucario SM Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Maximum Speed investment along with a Naive nature is used to let Mega Lucario outrun Mega Diancie and Thundurus and at least tie with opposing Mega Lucario 244 Attack EVs are used to guarantee that Mega Lucario can OHKO standard Mega Charizard Y and Mega Kangaskhan even after an Intimidate drop The remaining EVs are placed into Special Attack to power up Flash Cannon A Naive nature is User Interaction Count 11.
Bullet Punch is a priority STAB move that allows Lucario to get around Mega Aerodactyl Nihilego and Terrakion which resist Extreme Speed as well as hit Fairytypes for super effective damage Meteor Mash is a very powerful secondary STAB attack that can break through slower Pokemon that can take a Close Combat or Bullet Punch such as Amoonguss Mega Altaria and Togekiss .
Vgc 2015 Lucario Smogon Forums
Lucario XY Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Lucario SS Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Mega Lucario Smogon Forums
Iron Tail allows Lucario to beat potential checks and counters to it such as Clefable Azumarill Sylveon Mega Heracross Mew and Mega Venusaur Alternatively Lucario can use Crunch to break through bulky Psychictype Pokemon such as Slowbro and Mew while Ice Punch is an option to hit Ground and Flyingtype Pokemon super effectively such as LandorusT Gliscor Garchomp and Zapdos .