Viewpager Tutorial. Create a New Project To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio Note that select Java as the programming language Working with the activity_mainxml file The three widgets AppBarLayout used to host the TabLayout which is responsible for displaying the page titles Create Fragments Now we need to design out pages that are fragmented For this tutorial we will be using three Pages (fragments) Add three blank fragments to the project Creating the ViewPager Adapter Add a java class named ViewPagerAdapter to the project structure The project structure would look like this Below is the code for the ViewPagerAdapterjava file.

ViewPager Example Using Fragments in Android Studio Step 1 Create a new project and name it ViewPagerExample Step 2 Download four images Apple Orange Banana and Grapes from the web Now save those images in the drawable Step 3 Open res > layout >activity_mainxml (or) mainxml and add.
ViewPager Tutorial With Example In Android Studio [Step by
Android ViewPager Android ViewPager widget is found in the support library and it allows the user to swipe left or right to see an entirely new screen Today we’re implementing a ViewPager by using Views and PagerAdapter Though we can implement the same using Fragments too but we’ll discuss that in a later tutorial.
ViewPager Tutorial: Getting Started in Kotlin
− Create a new project in Android Studio go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project − Add the following code in buildgradle apply plugin 'comandroidapplication' android { compileSdkVersion 28 defaultConfig { applicationId “comexampleandymyapplication” minSdkVersion 19 targetSdkVersion 28 versionCode 1 versionName “10” testInstrumentationRunner “androidsupporttestrunnerAndroidJUnitRunner” } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguardandroidtxt') 'proguardrulespro' } } } dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir 'libs' include ['*jar']) implementation 'comandroidsupportappcompatv72800' implementation 'comandroidsupportdesign2800' implementation 'comandroidsupportconstraintconstraintlayout113' testImplementation 'junitjunit412' androidTestImplementation 'comandroidsupporttestrunner102' androidTestImplementation 'comandroidsupporttestespressoespressocore302' } − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_mainxml − Add the following code to src/MainActivityjava package comexampleandymyapplication import androidannotationTargetApi import androidosBuild import androidosBundle import androidsupportdesignwidgetTabLayout import androidsupportv4appFragment import androidsupportv4appFragmentManager import androidsupportv4appFragmentPagerAdapter import androidsupportv4viewViewPager import androidsupportv7appAppCompatActivity import androidsupportv7widgetToolbar import javautilArrayList import javautilList public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private ViewPager viewPager private Toolbar toolbar private TabLayout tabLayout @TargetApi(BuildVERSION_CODESO) @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { superonCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(Rlayoutactivity_main) toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(Ridtoolbar) setSupportActionBar(toolbar) getSupportActionBar()setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) tabLayout = findViewById(Ridtabs) viewPager = findViewById(Ridviewpager) ViewPagerAdapter adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()) adapteraddFragment(new OneFragment() “ONE”) adapteraddFragment(new TwoFragment() “TWO”) viewPagersetAdapter(adapter) tabLayoutsetupWithViewPager(viewPager) } class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { private final List mList = new ArrayList() private final List mTitleList = new ArrayList() public ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager supportFragmentManager) { super(supportFragmentManager) } @Override public Fragment getItem(int i) { return mListget(i) } @Override public int getCount() { return mListsize() } public void addFragment(Fragment fragment String title) { mListadd(fragment) mTitleListadd(title) } @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { return mTitleListget(position) } } }.
Android Support V4 Viewpager Tutorial Including Source Code Looks Ok
Tutorial JournalDev Android ViewPager Example
How to use Android ViewPager? Tutorialspoint
ViewPager Using Fragments in Android with Example
Getting StartedIntroducing The ViewPagerWhere to Go from Here?Download the starter project and open it by starting Android Studio and selecting Open an existing Android Studio project Navigate to the sample project directory and click Open Take a look at the existing code before going on with the tutorial Inside the assetsdirectory there is a JSON file containing some information about the top 5 most popular Android related movies ever made ] You can find the helper methods used to read the JSON data inside MovieHelperkt The Picasso libraryhelps to easily download and display the images on the screen This tutorial uses fragments If you are not familiar with fragments have a look at this tutorial Build and Run the project The app consists of a few pages each displaying some information about a movie I bet the first thing you tried to do was swipe left to check out next movie! Or was it just me? For now you can notsogracefully navigate between pages using the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen Adding a ViewPagerto the UI will allow the users to move forward or backward through the movies by swiping across the screen You don’t have to deal with the slide animation and the swipe gesture detection so the implementation is easier than you might think You’ll divide the ViewPagerimplementation into three parts 1 Adding the ViewPager 2 Creating an Adapter for the ViewPager 3 Wiring up the ViewPager and the Adapter You can download the final project for this tutorial here Nice job! You’ve modified an app and gave it a nicer UI with the help of ViewPager You’ve also added a pretty cool TabLayout and implemented the endless scroll In addition you learned about the PagerAdapter and had to choose which of the FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapteris best for you application If you want to read more about the ViewPager have a look at the documentation You can try and customize the transition animation with the help of PageTransformer Check out this tutorialfor that Bonus challenge You can implement dot indicators for your pages as seen in many onboarding flows Here you can find a nice way of creating dot indicators Note that this solution won’t work with your final ViewPager from this tutorial as it needs PagerAdapter‘s getCount() method to return the exact number of pages You can try implementing the indicators instead of the endless scroll This time try using the default 48/5 (12).